Ms Spb
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If you are considering an MSPB appeal then it is important not only to hire a lawyer, but to hire the right lawyer. Non-polar phase: Crossbond™ 100% dimethyl polysiloxaneHow to Hire an MSPB Appeals Lawyer. The Student Programming Board (SPB) is a campus organization that allows students to plan and produce special events on campus. I would like to receive information about special offers and promotions via EMAIL from PerksConnect and specially selected PerksConnect partners. I would like to receive information about special offers and promotions via TEXT MESSAGE from PerksConnect and specially selected PerksConnect partners.

Similar phases: HP-1ms UI, HP-1ms, DB-1ms UI, DB-1ms, Ultra-1, VF-1ms, SPB-1, Equity-1 General-purpose columns for arson accelerants, essential oils, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), sulfur compounds, amines, solvent impurities, simulated distillation, oxygenates, gasoline range organics (GRO), refinery gases. Tested and guaranteed for ultra-low bleed improved signal-to-noise ratio for better sensitivity and mass spectral integrity. Wersing, PLLC or give us a call at (833) 833-3529 today to schedule an initial consultation. Contact the Federal Employment Law Firm of Aaron D. If you need assistance with filing an MSPB appeal, let our skilled legal team help.

Columns processed for high-temperature applications, such as mineral oil. Columns processed for high-temperature applications, such as high molecular weight hydrocarbons. 40% longer lifetime from specially designed fused silica tubing. Similar phases: HP-5ms UI, HP-5ms, DB-5, Ultra-2, CP Sil 8 CB, SPB-5, Equity-5 General-purpose columns for semi-volatiles, phenols, amines, residual solvents, drugs of abuse, pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), solvent impurities.

General-purpose columns—ideal for GCMS analysis of semi-volatiles, polycyclic aromatic compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phthalates, phenols, amines, organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, drugs, solvent impurities, and hydrocarbons. Excellent inertness for active compounds. Engineered to be a low-bleed GCMS column.

Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 50% diphenyl / 50% dimethyl polysiloxane Ideal for many GCMS applications, including pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), PAHs. General-purpose columns exhibiting extremely low bleed.

Similar phases: DB-35ms, DB-35ms UI, VF-35ms Provides superior separation for cannabinoids. Special selectivity and excellent inertness for substituted polar compounds, such as drugs, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, phenols, etc. Very low-bleed phase for GCMS analysis. Mid-polarity: Crossbond™ phase (similar to 35% phenyl methyl polysiloxane) Similar phases: HP-17, DB-17, DB-17HT, DB-608, SPB-17

Best resolution of chrysene from interfering PAHs, triphenylene, and cyclopentapyrene. Ideal for EFSA PAH4 analysis—separates all priority compounds: benzanthracene, chrysene, benzofluoranthene and benzopyrene. Similar phases: DB-17ms, HP-17, DB-17, VF-17ms, CP-Sil 24 CB Excellent inertness and selectivity for active environmental compounds, such as PAHs. Low bleed for use with sensitive detectors, such as MS.

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Compatible with ASTM and CGSB for hydrocarbon analysis. Similar phases: HP-1, DB-1, CP Sil 5 CB, SPB-1 General-purpose columns for solvent impurities, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), simulated distillation, arson accelerants, gases, natural gas odorants, sulfur compounds, essential oils, hydrocarbons, semi-volatiles, pesticides, oxygenates. Rigorous QC testing ensures inertness and accurate, reliable data for multiple compound classes. Ideal for solvents, glycols, and other polar compounds. Stabilized cyano phase selectivity improves the performance of existing methods.

Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 20% diphenyl / 80% dimethyl polysiloxane Column specifically tested for low-bleed performance. Similar phases: HP-5, DB-5, CP Sil 8 CB, SPB-5 General-purpose columns for drugs, solvent impurities, pesticides, hydrocarbons, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), essential oils, semi-volatiles.

General-purpose columns for pesticides, herbicides, rosin acids, phthalate esters, sterols. Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 100% methyl phenyl polysiloxane Similar phases: HP-35, DB-35, SPB-35, SPB-608 General-purpose columns for organochlorine pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), herbicides, pharmaceuticals, sterols, rosin acids, phthalate esters. Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 35% diphenyl / 65% dimethyl polysiloxane Similar phases: SPB-20, 007-20, AT-20, EC-20

General-purpose columns for residual solvents, alcohols, oxygenates, and volatile organic compounds. Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 6% cyanopropylphenyl / 94% dimethyl polysiloxane Application-specific columns, specially tested for triglycerides.The SH-65TG phase resolves triglycerides by degree of unsaturation as well as by carbon number. General-purpose columns for phenols, fatty acids, triglycerides. Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 65% diphenyl / 35% dimethyl polysiloxane

Similar phases: DB-1701P, DB-1701, CP Sil 19 CB, VF-1701ms, VF-1701 Pesticides, SPB-1701 General-purpose columns for alcohols, oxygenates, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), pesticides, and fragrance compounds. Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 14% cyanopropylphenyl / 86% dimethyl polysiloxane Similar phases: HP-624, DB-624, DB-624 UI, VF-624ms, SPB-1301 EPA methods for volatile organic pollutants. Application-specific columns for volatile organic pollutants.

Similar phases: DB-225, DB-225MS, CP-Sil 43 CB, SPB-225 General-purpose columns for FAMEs, carbohydrates, sterols, flavor compounds. Polar phase: Crossbond™ 50% cyanopropylmethyl / 50% phenylmethyl polysiloxane Similar phases: DB-210, DB-200, VF-200ms General-purpose columns for solvents, Freon® fluorocarbons, alcohols, ketones, silanes, glycols, and drugs of abuse.

Application-specific columns with unique selectivity for volatile organic pollutants. Low-bleed, high-resolution columns with unique selectivity. Ideal for low/trace-level analyses.

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Similar phases: DB-23, VF-23ms, SP-2330, SP-2331, SP-2380 General-purpose columns for cis/trans FAMEs, dioxin isomers. Highly polar phase: Crossbond™ 90% biscyanopropyl / 10% cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane (Non-bonded) Narrow bore columns can interface directly in GC/MS systems.

Stationary phase selectivity optimized for isomer separation to ensure accurate quantification of critical cis/trans FAMEs.

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